I have been following the growing of the Japanese Sparrowhawk chicks I have written in past. I have, anyhow been too busy to write about them, so I am sharing a few images and lines from my visits to their nest.
3 July: It turned out that there were five fledgelings, not three, as I and other photographers had thought. I was somewhat surprised how big a difference there was between the oldest and the youngest bird.
5 July: I don’t know whether it was the hard wind, whether the nest was getting too small for the five siblings, or perhaps whether one of the chicks overestimated it’s flying skills, but it happened that one of the chicks fell from the nest and could not immediately return back. Possibly overwhelmed by the amount of people, it walked further and further away from the tree where the nest was with a result that some crows detected it and tried to attack it. With a little bit of help from humans such as chasing away the crows, the bird was eventually able to get back to it’s nest.
6 July: The chicks are spending more and more time outside the nest sometimes looking down to the photographers and other passers by with curious eyes. When the mother arrives to the nest with a catch, they would quickly return to the nest.
7 July: The chicks are taking short flights in neighboring trees. Although grown a lot, they are still a bit clumsy. (Oops, there wasn't enough space for the tail). At other times, they return to their favourite tree branches and are sitting close to each other while preening or sleeping.
7月7日:雛は巣がある木から隣の木に飛んだりします。体が大きくなってもまだ不器用です。 体が思ったより大きくて、尾羽が引っかかったりするシーンとかがありました。たまに巣の近くの気に入りの枝に戻って、並んで寝たり、毛づくろいをしたりします。
13 July: It seems that the oldest have already left the nest and are on their own. Presently, there are three chicks left. They were busy flying back and forth in the nest tree and neighboring trees. It happened that surprised by sudden noise of a leaf blower, all three chicks flew away from the nest tree at the same time.
It seems to me that they are soon ready to hunt and live on their own.