Fryer's Purple Emperor

It’s the middle of the rainy season. There were many rainy and cloudy days during the past week, but luckily one beautiful sunny day, too. I headed to capture butterflies. As I arrived to a park in Katsushika City, I met a friend who told me there are many Fryer’s Purple Emperors and other butterflies enjoying sap on a old tree trunk. That was exactly what I had hoped for.

First I saw only a few hornets there but it didn't take a long time to see the first Fryer’s purple emperor. Soon a few more arrived. They fed on the sap slowly, disappeared, and came back again. At times there were four or five of them at the same time. At times they were all gone. After some searching I noticed some resting on nearby trees and on a hydrangea bush. I have never seen some many butterflies of this species before. My estimate is that there were maybe 10 of them.

I am happy I was able to get a few captures showing the purple color of the wings of male butterflies. Pending on the angle you look at them, you can see very modest brown colors, or if you are lucky you see that beautiful purple color that the name suggest.

The sap of the old tree trunk attracted also other butterflies. Red ring skirt butterflies came a few times and one Hestina persimilis japonica also for a very short time.





Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Red Ring Skirt・アカボシゴマダラ

Red Ring Skirt・アカボシゴマダラ

Hestina persimilis japonica・ゴマダラチョウ

Hestina persimilis japonica・ゴマダラチョウ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキRed Ring Skirt・アカボシゴマダラ

Freyer's Purple Emperor・コムラサキ

Red Ring Skirt・アカボシゴマダラ