Arrival of the Blue Birds

I have been wanting to capture a male red-flanked blutail this winter but haven’t had many chances for that. I must admit that I could have made more effort to try various locations. Now however, two male bluetails have recently arrived to a garden just a walking distance from my home. Perhaps the cold wave and snowfall that recently passed over Kanto region forced them to find new locations. There had already been three female bluetails in the same garden so it is understandable that arrival of the males have caused a lot of turmoil.

Yesterday, I followed a fight between a male and a female bluetail. So far the disputes I have seen, have been rather short lived, and ended up with one of the parties giving up the right to the territory. This time, neither of them seemed to be willing to give up, and the fighting went on for at least over an hour. Most of the time they were chasing each other high on the trees too far for my lens. Today, I heard from other photographers, the two males were fighting and I believe that in the coming weeks before they leave Tokyo, there will be some chasing back and forth every now and then.

A durian redstart that has been living in the garden all winter must have also have noticed the newcomers and seemed to be on high alert.

The flock of hawfinches in the garden were cautious as usual and would still not let me near, but some individuals showed some signs of loosing their shyness. I tried not to scare them away and photographed them from afar.



Red-flanked Bluetail, male ルリビタキ、オス

Red-flanked Bluetail, male ルリビタキ、オス

Red-flanked Bluetail, male ルリビタキ、オス

Red-flanked Bluetail, male ルリビタキ、オス

Red-flanked Bluetail, female ルリビタキ、メス

Red-flanked Bluetail, female ルリビタキ、メス



Red-flanked Bluetail, male ルリビタキ、オス

Red-flanked Bluetail, male ルリビタキ、オス

Daurian Redstart, male ジョウビタキ、オス

Daurian Redstart, male ジョウビタキ、オス

Hawfinch シメ

Hawfinch シメ

Hawfinch シメ

Hawfinch シメ


Spring in the Air

After several cold and windy days yesterday’s warm weather offered a welcomed change. I headed to a local garden and noticed that there was definitely spring in the air. Japanese apricot trees had started to bloom and I found long-tailed tits very active collecting feathers and other material for nest building. Japanese tits were playing around, chasing each other around merrily, at least that's how it looked like.

Soon after entering the garden a kingfisher let me know with his call that it was around. I followed the sound and was lucky to find it bathing diving into the pond for several times. 

I strolled around the garden in search for a winter wren, a rare visitor to the garden, that I know had been there for some time. I had witnessed and photographed it once and I heard other photographers capturing it before. Unfortunately, I could not find a trace of it. Instead, I found a daurian redstart and a red-flanked bluetail having territory disputes. Unfortunately, I could not capture the chasing scene, but only the two birds separately. 

There were also several pale thrushes around, one of which would not make much effort to escape from me and my camera and a flock of hawfinches that would not let me near at all. There was always one watching over the field and letting the others know of any approaching danger. I decided to sit down in a bench and let them come to me instead but had not much luck. Instead I heard a Japanese bush warbler in the bamboo grasses coming closer and closer. Eventually, I could see it coming out of the bushes and managed to capture it from afar. 





Long-tailed Tit エナガ

Long-tailed Tit エナガ

Long-tailed Tit エナガ

Long-tailed Tit エナガ

Common Kingfisher カワセミ

Common Kingfisher カワセミ

Common Kingfisher カワセミ

Common Kingfisher カワセミ

Daurian Redstart ジョウビタキ

Daurian Redstart ジョウビタキ

Red-flanked Bluetail ルリビタキ

Red-flanked Bluetail ルリビタキ

Hawfinch シメ

Hawfinch シメ

Pale Thrush シロハラ

Pale Thrush シロハラ

Japanese Bush Warbler ウグイス

Japanese Bush Warbler ウグイス