Apricot Trees in Bloom

Japanese apricot trees are in bloom. Unlike cherry blossoms that bloom all at once for approximately a week, apricot trees bloom gradually and therefore one can enjoy the blossoms for a rather long time. Today I decided to take a stroll in Koishikawa Botanical Garden, that has a large apricot tree grove. I was hoping to capture some birds there. I thought I would at least find Japanese white-eyes enjoying nectar of the flowers. I could smell the sweet scent of the flowers from a distance and my hopes were getting high. 

Despite of waiting for a long time the apricot trees didn’t seem to attract any birds. There were some Japanese white-eyes and Japanese tits nearby but they seemed to be more interested in the seeds of Chinese tallowtrees nearby. A flock of long-tailed tits arrived merrily chirping but they disappeared as quickly as they had arrived and I thought I would return home with photos of blossoms only. Luckily, my long wait was finally rewarded; I could find a male daurian redstart and a dusky thrush, both of which were after the seeds of the Chinese tallowtrees, too. 


Daurian Redstart ジョウビタキ

Daurian Redstart ジョウビタキ

Daurian Redstart ジョウビタキ

Daurian Redstart ジョウビタキ

Dusky Thrush ツグミ

Dusky Thrush ツグミ

Dusky Thrush ツグミ

Dusky Thrush ツグミ


In search for birds in Mizumoto Park

Instead of my usual parks in central Tokyo, in recent days I have taken the train to Mizumoto Park in Northern part of Tokyo in search for different bird species.

I came across with some new acquaintances such as Asian Brown Flycatcher, Winter Wren and Scaly Thrush as well as many species commonly found in central Tokyo, too; the Daurian Redstart, Red-flanked bluetail, Hawfinch and Bull-headed Shrike to name a few. I also found many ducks and other water fowl, which I intend to share later.

Local photographers feed some of the birds so they are rather used to photographers and are easily approachable. Otherwise, especially the winter wren, one of the smallest birds in Japan, would be very difficult to find and capture in the dense underbrushes if you don’t visit the park frequently enough to learn their usual routes.

I was very surprised to find Asian Brown Flycatcher as it usually migrates to warmer climates for winter. For some reason, it has decided to stay and I am hoping the weather doesn’t get too cold for many consecutive days so that it can survive the Tokyo winter.

Another happy encounter was the Dusky Thrush. For some reason they have been very few in numbers this year, so I was happy find one trying to camouflage among the grasses and fallen leaves.  


Red-Flanked Bluetail, female ルリビタキ

Red-Flanked Bluetail, female ルリビタキ

Red-flanked Bluetail, female ルリビタキ、メス

Red-flanked Bluetail, female ルリビタキ、メス

Asian Brown Flycatcher コサメビタキ

Asian Brown Flycatcher コサメビタキ

Asian Brown Flycatcher コサメビタキ

Asian Brown Flycatcher コサメビタキ

Winter Wren ミソサザイ

Winter Wren ミソサザイ

Winter Wren ミソサザイ

Winter Wren ミソサザイ

Pale Thrush シロハラ

Pale Thrush シロハラ

Dusky Thrush ツグミ

Dusky Thrush ツグミ

Scaly Thrush トラツグミ

Scaly Thrush トラツグミ