Highlights from past Autumn

This Autumn Eurasian Jays have been seen in many parks in Tokyo. I have been lucky enough to capture it on several occasions in two different locations. The bird is very shy and usually escapes as soon as it has noticed you. In a cemetery close to my house, there were perhaps 5-6 Jays on and off. When a Japanese Sparrowhawk was there at the same time with the Jays, they were somewhat easier to be heard and seen as they were constantly chasing each other.


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This Japanese Green Woodpecker is another bird that I have captured in the cemetery. It is another though subject and great in hiding. It can be more often heard than seen. It has been very popular among local photographers. I am not too satisfied my the shots but I keep trying.



I find the Grey Wagtail very elegant with it’s slender body and long tail. In the captures below the bird is preening after taking a bath in shallow fountain.



I found this Japanese Sparrowhawk in a corner of a busy park. It was finishing it’s meal on a tree branch about two meters from the ground. Even though I photographed it at close distance, it didn't seem to bothered by my presence at all but slowly finished it’s meal in front of me. It was a thrilling experience.



I got a hint from an acquaintance that there were two Brown Hawk-owls (or Brown Boobooks) in a certain park in Tokyo. During the Autumn, I have mainly kept to few locations close to my home, but since I had never seen this species, I decided to go to the park there immediately. As soon as I arrived another acquaintance lead me to the birds. The birds had been in that park for about two weeks already. In the evening they would get up and go hunting and in the morning they would be back to the very same tree.


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