First Birding of 2020

The winter vacation has passed, finally, and I have had a few days out shooting in a garden near my house. I searched whether there are any blossoms in the Japanese apricot trees, but could not find any yet. I believe it’s a matter of day or two till we can see the first flowers.

The bird scene is pretty much the same as it was towards the year end. The female daurian redstart the and male red-flanked bluetail are still around. Anyhow, it appears to me that the stronger and bossier redstart has taken over some of the territory of the weaker bluetail, which seems to be searching for new territory very close by.

In the garden there are also two goldcrests, of which is injured. It doesn’t seem to be able to use one of it’s legs at all. Nevertheless, it looks like it is doing just fine standing or hanging on one foot only. When flying and hovering it looks just the same as the healthy bird. The two birds can at times be seen joining flocks of Japanese white-eyes and long-tailed tits.




Red-flanked Bluetail・ルリビタキ

Red-flanked Bluetail・ルリビタキ

Red-flanked Bluetail・ルリビタキ

Red-flanked Bluetail・ルリビタキ

Daurian Redstart・ジョウビタキ

Daurian Redstart・ジョウビタキ

Daurian Redstart・ジョウビタキ

Daurian Redstart・ジョウビタキ

Black-faced bunting・アオジ

Black-faced bunting・アオジ









Japanese white-eye・メジロ

Japanese white-eye・メジロ

Japanese white-eye・メジロ

Japanese white-eye・メジロ

Oriental Greenfinch・カワラヒワ

Oriental Greenfinch・カワラヒワ

Pale Thrush ・シロハラ

Pale Thrush ・シロハラ

Dusky thrush・ツグミ

Dusky thrush・ツグミ