I have been looking forward to capturing butterflies with red spider lilies. The spider lilies must be in bloom already. Unfortunately the past few days the weather has been too good with clear skies. I would prefer overcast skies when shooting the spider lilies so yesterday and today I went to capture migratory birds instead in one of my favourite parks.
Yesterday morning when I arrived to the park, I very soon detected a male and a female Narcissus Flycatcher. Even though I spent several hours trying to capture them, they were successfully hiding from me and my camera and I didn’t manage to get any decent images. Slightly before it was due for me to leave I saw a glimpse of an Asian Brown Flycatcher. After a few quick backlit captures the bird disappeared. It was only second time for me to see that bird so I was happy with those shots anyway.
Today, I returned to the same park again. Very soon I noticed there were more birds around and they were engaged in territory disputes. There was one male Narcissus Flycatcher, two or three female Narcissus Flycatchers, one Asian Brown Flycatcher and one Grey-streaked Flycatcher. I was especially happy to get another chance with the Asian Brown Flycatcher.
I hope the birds stay for some time before they continue their migration to warmer climates.
Asian Brown Flychatcher・コサメビタキ
Asian Brown Flychatcher・コサメビタキ
Gray-stereaked Flycatcher・エゾビタキ
Gray-stereaked Flycatcher・エゾビタキ
Narcissus Flycatcher, male・キビタキ、オス
Narcissus Flycatcher, male・キビタキ、オス
Narcissus Flycatcher, male・キビタキ、オス
Narcissus Flycatcher, female・キビタキ、メス
Narcissus Flycatcher, female・キビタキ、メス
Japanese Tit・シジュウガラ
Japanese Tit・シジュウガラ