It’s the season for zephyrys, a group of theclini butterflies that have only one generation of adult butterflies a year, often in the beginning of summer. I have been out to shoot these butterflies twice in one of my favourite gardens. (Three times, if you count the time when the garden was closed and I was photographing outside the fence.)
While there have been rather many Neozephyrus Japonicus butterflies, I am disappointed to have found so few Saepestriata japonica and Japonica lutea. Perhaps when the chestnut three in the garden will be in full bloom, it will be easier to find them as their nectar attract the butterflies.
I have counted various species as follows:
31 May: Saepestriata japonica 1, Japonica lutea 2 (Outside the garden)
2 June: Neozephyrus japonicus 10, Saepestriata japonica 1, Antigius attilia 2
6 June: Neozephyrus japonicus 4, Saepestriata japonica 2, Japonica lutea 1
5月31日: ウラナミアカシジミ1体、アカシジミ2体
6月2日: ミドリシジミ10体、ウラナミアカシジミ1体、ミズイロオナガシジミ2体
6月6日: ミドリシジミ4体、ウラナミアカシジミ2体、アカシジミ1体