The other day I went to a Cho-no-Sato Park (Butterfly Village Park) in Ranzan, Saitama Prefecture. I was hoping to find some zephyrus butterflies and possibly also see Japanese national butterfly, the Japanese Emperor, also called the Great Purple Emperor for it’s beautiful purple color.
It wasn’t the best day for zephyrus - I only detected one Neozephyrus Japonicus - but I was very lucky to see the emerging of the Japanese Emperor butterfly from pupa. The park staff kindly told me that one of the pupae was about to emerge. He removed a protective net tied around the pupa and few photographers gathered around to wait for the moment of emerging. For an hour and half there was very little change, the pupa got a bit longer and the color changed a little, but had I not been pointed out about those small changes by the staff, I would probably not have noticed them. Finally, the pupa broke and we could first see the head and the eye, then some of the wings and very soon the adult butterfly had totally emerged from the pupa. It then started the long process of straightening and drying the wings. I was told that it would still take a couple of hours until the butterfly would open it’s wings totally. Unfortunately, I had not chance to wait that long.
I was, anyhow, able to photograph another Japanese Emperor butterfly, one that had emerged one day earlier. For some reason that butterfly had not taken off even after opening it’s wings totally, so the staff had taken it into a net for a day and was to release it later. Again, few photographers gathered when the the staff released the butterfly from a cage to a branch of Chinese hackberry tree. Even after being released the butterfly would not take off for a long time and we all got to capture it with time.
It was a great experience to see the emerging of the butterfly and I am greatful for the staff who was kind enough to have the photographers to witness the moment.