Two species

The corona virus outbreak has changed my daily life and routines. A few months has passed without hardly touching my camera. I have also totally neglected this blog. I considered uploading some old captures and writing a few lines, but since my son’s school closed and he has therefore been cut of his friends and hobbies, I decided to spend more time with him instead. Recently, however, I have taken a habit to wake up early in the morning while my family is still asleep and take a walk in nearby parks. 

During one of those walks I found a Japanese sparrowhawk couple building a nest. In the mornings the sparrowhawks have been busy flying back and forth and bringing raw material for the nest. Later in the day they have not shown up much at all. Of course when they have detected crows too close to the nest they have vigorously chased them away.

I had been hoping to capture the sparrowhawks mating and therefore I kept getting up earlier and earlier for that. Today, I was finally early enough and was able to photograph them at the time when the first sun rays hit them. From where they were they must have seen a spectacular sunrise. I wonder if they appreciated the beauty of it?

Besides the sparrowhawks, I have been searching for migratory birds. On one morning I was happy to hear a narcissus flycatcher singing. For an hour and half, I could only hear the singing and I grew a bit frustrated thinking I would have to return home without any captures. Finally, 20 minutes before my self-imposed time limit to go home, my waiting was finally rewarded and I got a few captures of a young narcissus flycatcher. 





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What is going on here??

What is going on here??

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