Last month I spent a lot time capturing songbirds on Japanese Apricot and Kawazuzakura, an early blooming cherry variety. Also, I am happy to have captured eurasian wren and scaly thrush, even though I am not happy with the quality. The two have a very good camouflage and had I not been told by another photographer where to look for them, I would probably not have found them. While the Eurasian wren is tiny and quick, it is still somewhat easier to my opinion as you can sometimes hear it squealing in the underbrushes. If I know it is there I have more patience to wait for it to appear.
Last month I also traveled one hour to explore a park in Saitama, that a friend of mine had recommended. The park itself did not provide any interesting birds, but a forest adjacent to it had many species that I rarely see in Tokyo. The Eurasian Jay was one of them. I first heard calling of a red-flanked bluetail and I was waiting for it to appear from the forest, when I noticed some movement above me high on trees. A quick check proved it to be Eurasian Jay. I took a few captures and waited it to move to better place. Soon, two of them landed in somewhat open field. They had probably not seen me yet and I tried to hide behind some bushes and capture them from afar. I hoped they would come closer, but unfortunately they went further away from me. When I tried to go closer to them, they noticed me and they were gone. After that I could see or hear them deep in the forest but I wasn’t able to capture them anymore. While searching for them I detected other birds such as Japanese green woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker, common kingfisher, and the red-flanked bluetail that I head heard before. It was pretty shy and would not come out from the forest.
For few hours alone in a totally new location, I think I scored pretty well, at least in sense that I found many species. I would definitely like to come back but with the corona virus spreading it is better to avoid crowded trains for a while.
先月梅や河津桜に来る小鳥をメインに写真を撮っていました。他にはミソサザイやトラツグミも何とか撮れましたが、満足した写真ではありません。両方とも保護色が良くて、他のフォトグラファー に居場所を教えてもらわなかったら、恐らく見つからなかったでしょう。ミソサザイは小さくて、動きが早いですが、茂みの中でたまに地鳴きをするから、トラツグミより少し撮りやすいと思います。近くにいると分かったら、我慢強く待てるからです。
Eurasian Wren・ミソサザイ
Eurasian Wren・ミソサザイ
Scaly Thrush・トラツグミ
Eurasian Jay・カケス
Eurasian Jay・カケス
Japanese Green Woodpecker・アオゲラ
Japanese Green Woodpecker・アオゲラ
Great Spotted Woodpecker・アカゲラ
Common Kingfisher・カワセミ
Common Kingfisher・カワセミ
Red-flanked Bluetail・ルリビタキ
Japanese Tit・シジュウガラ
Japanese White-eye・メジロ
Japanese White-eye・メジロ