After switching to shooting butterflies in the end of May, I have mainly concentrated in finding and capturing the zephyrus (theclinae) butterflies. The zephyrus are arboreal lycanidae butterflies that have only one generation of grown ups each year in around June-September.
I have captured species that I can find within reasonable distance from my home, that is the Japonica lutea, Japonica saepestriata, Antigius attilia and Neozephyrus japonicus. I have not come by any English names for these species. A few times I also traveled two hours in order to capture the Artopoetes pryeri, but unfortunately had not luck with that species. I have got to know that when shooting butterflies, timing is crucial: sometimes you search for them too early, sometimes a day too late (as happened for me with this species) or sometimes you arrive to a location only 5 minutes late and hear from other photographers what you have just missed.
The Neozephyrus japonicus is immensely popular among butterfly enthusiasts in Japan, especially the male one. For it’s emerald green-blue wings it is often called jewel of the forest. Capturing the male with wings open can be hard. It rests long hours wings tightly closed and when it opens it’s wings, it does it for a very short time, often only for 5 to 10 seconds. Again, it is all about timing! It also happens that you you find a butterfly, wait an hour or two for the butterfly to open it’s wings and when it does, it turns out to be female -what a disappointment - or it flies away without showing it’s beautiful wings at all -even bigger disappointment. I am afraid that happened to me a few times this season. Also, pending on the shooting angle and the direction of light, the colors may not turn out nicely.
Japonica lutea アカシジミ
Japonica lutea アカシジミ
Japonica saepestriata ウラナミアカシジミ
Japonica saepestriata ウラナミアカシジミ
Antigius attilia ミズイロオナガシジミ
Neozephyrus japonicus ミドリシジミ
Neozephyrus japonicus, female ミドリシジミ、メス
Neozephyrus japonicus, male ミドリシジミ、オス