Every year I look forward to the cherry blossom season and every year I find myself not having time to photograph it as it coincides with my son’s spring holiday. Therefore, rather than going out with my camera, I played tennis and badminton with my son and did some traveling with my family.

My son’s holiday is now over and today I decided to go to Shinobazunoike park in central Tokyo to see if there are any blossoms left. Unfortunately, the cherry blossoms were pretty much over, at least the most common someiyoshino type so I abandoned the idea of capturing the blossoms and decided to photograph birds.

Shinobazunoike is home to many water fowl: gulls, ducks, herons and egrets and many more. Today, I photographed mainly the herons and egrets. I was lucky enough to witness a fiercefull fight between two great egrets. It all started when one of the  birds landed close to the other. The first one immediately started walking towards the newcomer in the shallow pond. The newcomer started walking, too and the birds were staring each other intensely. Soon they were in the air kicking and attacking each other with their long beaks. Even though it was a serious fight they still looked elegant with their beautiful white feathers and long legs and beaks. I couldn’t figure out which one was the winner as both of them flew away from the scene.




Great Egrets   ダイサギ

Great Egrets ダイサギ

Great Egrets  ダイサギ

Great Egrets ダイサギ

Great Egret  ダイサギ

Great Egret ダイサギ

Gray Heron  アオサギ

Gray Heron アオサギ