The Last Autumn Leaves

Last week I spent some time in a garden in central Tokyo hoping to capture some of the last Autumn leaves hopefully together with passerine birds. Many trees had already lost their leaves, but metasequoia and Japanese maple trees still provided some autumn colors.

After entering the garden, I wasn’t careful enough and happened to chase away a pale thrush in front of my feet. But when I continued further into the garden, I detected the thrush on metasequoia. The bird’s feathers matched perfectly with the orange foliage. It was a beautiful view.

The Japanese tits and long-tailed tits were moving around in big flocks sometimes mingling with each other and other birds, such as Japanese white-eyes and varied tits. It was easy to find them by following their direction of their singing. I also heard the singing of a red-flanked bluetail and waited for a long time with hope to see it. When it finally appeared, a male daurian redstart chased it away before I could get a decent capture. It was a female.




Pale thrush ・シロハラ

Pale thrush ・シロハラ

Pale thrush ・シロハラ

Pale thrush ・シロハラ

Long-tailed tit ・エナガ

Long-tailed tit ・エナガ

Varied tit・ヤマガラ

Varied tit・ヤマガラ

Long-tailed tit ・エナガ

Long-tailed tit ・エナガ

Japanese tit・シジュウカラ

Japanese tit・シジュウカラ

Japanese tit・シジュウカラ

Japanese tit・シジュウカラ

Bull-headed shrike・モズ

Bull-headed shrike・モズ

Bull-headed shrike・モズ

Bull-headed shrike・モズ

Pale thrush ・シロハラ

Pale thrush ・シロハラ

Daurian redstart・ジョウビタキ

Daurian redstart・ジョウビタキ

Daurian redstart・ジョウビタキ

Daurian redstart・ジョウビタキ