Soon after weekend's destructive typhoon passed the Japanese archipelago, the temperature suddenly dropped for about 10 degrees. With some cloudy and rainy days, it finally feels like Autumn. The foliage are slowly starting to change their colors and birds have been keen in savoring on various autumn berries.
The grey-streaked flycatchers seem to have disappeared altogether and narcissus flycatchers are also getting smaller in number. In the park I often go to there is one newcomer, the eyebrow thrush. It is the fist time for me to see this bird. Unfortunately, the bird is shy and as the park has been somewhat busy with nursery school and kindergarten groups collecting acorns, I haven’t had many chances to capture it. I tried to go back again very early this morning before the kids or the park maintenance staff arrive, only to find out that the park was closed today. I should have known it. What a mistake!
I also heard a white-bellied green pigeon had been heard and seen in the park. I neither heard nor saw it myself. They have excellent camouflage and are very difficult to find among the green or yellow foliage. The picture below is from Autumn last year.
Japanese white-eye on Ternstroemia gymnathera・メジロ、モッコク
Japanese Tit・シジュウガラ
Ilex rotunda・クロカネモチ
Narcissus flycatcher, male・キビタキ、オス
Narcissus Flycatcher, female on Ternstroemia gymnathera・キビタキ、メス、モッコク
Eyebrowed Thrush・マミチャジナイ
Narcissus flycatcher, male・キビタキ、オス
Narcissus Flycatcher, female・キビタキ、メス
Brown-eared Bulbul・ヒヨドリ
White-bellied Green Pigeon・アオバト (2018)